Spectro CA-12 Battery Rapid Tester
The Spectro CA-12 Series is the first hand-held battery tester that reads reserve capacity (RC), CCA, and state-of-charge (SoC) in a single, non-invasive 15-seconds test. The instrument is based on multi-model electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (Spectro™). The Spectro CA-12 DC makes the technology portable, affordable and simple to use.
The performance of a starter battery is governed by three symptoms: State-of-charge, CCA and capacity. A battery tester should reveal all three conditions, but here lays the difficulty: A good battery with low SoC performs alike a fully charged battery that is faded.
The Spectro CA-12 provides a complete battery state-of-health (SoH) assessment by evaluating SoC, CCA and capacity over a broad charge range. The CA-12 uses multi-model electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, an exclusive technology by Cadex.